Breaking tech news: Connexin ranked 16th out of 100 fastest growing technology companies

We’re delighted to announce we’ve been ranked 16th out of 100 in the Fastest Growing Technology Company category at the 2023 Northern Tech Awards.
In its tenth year, the annual Northern Tech Awards run by GP Bullhound showcase and celebrate the fastest growing and most promising tech companies in the North of the UK.
Connexin climbs UK technology leaderboard
We’ve climbed 14 spaces in the rankings after placing 30th in last year’s league table, reflecting our rapid expansion over the past year.
This achievement follows landmark growth, having recently opened our new headquarters in Hull after doubling our workforce in 2022. Notably, Connexin’s IoT team has seen a significant increase in revenue following successful contract wins with utility giants such as Yorkshire Water and Severn Trent, enabling us to deliver our Smart Water framework across the country.
10 Gbps Full-Fibre Broadband
We’ve also boosted our broadband customer base as we continue to build our Full-Fibre 10Gbps network across Hull (and throughout the North) and have since launched our SmartHome App, enabling broadband customers to self-manage their network using their phones and noticeably enhancing user experience.
Alex Yeung, Co-Founder & Deputy CEO at Connexin, said:
“We are honoured to be included again in this year’s Top 100 League Table at the Northern Tech Awards and I am beyond proud of our team and what we have been able to achieve for our region. For us, this serves to emphasise our commitment to the North, boosting the local economy and ensuring Hull remains proudly on the map as a city for UK technology companies to thrive and collaborate.
Being recognised alongside so many innovative tech companies is a proud moment for me as a founder and for our team joining us on our mission to ‘Connect the real world with the digital world to improve the way we live’. We’d like to congratulate everyone involved in this year’s Top 100 League Table and we’re excited to showcase the many projects upcoming at Connexin over the next 12 months.”