Forest with trees and greenery

IoT Solutions for Smart Environment

Collect the right data to better understand air quality in your area.

Understand the impact of policy and consumption through live air quality data

We all know that there are issues with air quality around the UK, we’ve heard the statistics and read the articles, but do you know the extent of the issue in your local area? We know there is a lack of accessible live data to help understand how residential and commercial activities impact air quality and the environment. We work with local authorities to collect the right data, find insights and drive better outcomes for local residents and stakeholders.

Some of the Key Challenges in Managing our Environment

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Lack of Understanding & Live DataWe’ve found that while local authorities understand there could be an issue with air quality in their area, they have no real data to prove or disprove this hypothesis. Local authorities also lack the depth of data required to fully assess the impact of policies on local air quality, or the insight and analysis to drive improvement. Often the data they have, if any, is historical and limited, making it difficult to affect positive change.
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OverconsumptionIt’s been generally accepted that overconsumption of different utilities can lead to negative environmental impact. Whilst this might be the case, data on accurate consumption is often limited and hard to obtain. Understanding how utilities are consumed and other such resources can help identify trends and relationships between different variables and air quality.
Siloed InformationWith limited data collected on the environment currently, the information that is discovered is often kept in different areas, siloed away from one another. This means that there’s limited understanding of the relationships between different variables such as consumption, traffic, more events etc. and increased difficulty in managing a multi-agency response for environmental action. Having the data available in one single source alongside other metrics deepens understanding and promotes a proactive response

IoT for Smart Environment in Action

Arial view of Hull City Centre
Hull City Council

Live air quality monitoring in Hull

Partnering with Hull City Council, we developed and launched the UK’s first ever dedicated Smart City platform to bring data from across a number of council services into one platform to drive further insights and efficiencies on day to day activities across the city.

IoT Solutions for Smart Environment

Road with greenery

Air Quality Monitoring

Proactive monitoring of air quality to improve wellbeing of our citizens.

Smart Meter

Smart Metering

Better understanding of household usage to encourage change in behaviour and cost saving.


Building Management Systems

Optimising energy usage in buildings with the aim to reduce wastage and costs.

flood warning sign

Flood Prevention/Extreme Weather

Proactive monitoring of sea/water levels and gullies sensing to prevent flooding.

End to End IoT Deployment for Smart Utilties

IoT Sensors, Network of Networks, CityOS Platform, IoT Solutions

Like to know more?

Talk to us to find out how we can help to improve your Environment.