IoT Solutions for Cities & Communities
Utilising today’s data to drive tomorrow’s change with Connexin IoT solutions
Guiding Local Authorities Through Pioneering Digital Transformation
Councils and local authorities are under constant pressure to improve their quality of services whilst reducing costs. Utilising the Internet of Things solutions and low-cost, low-power connectivity, we partner with you to provide a comprehensive view of your community's key statistics, enabling you to monitor trends and make smarter decisions.
Organisations who utilise our Smart City solutions
Some of the Key Challenges Facing Councils and Cities
IoT for Smart Cities & Communities in Action
Building the UK’s first dedicated
Smart City platform
Partnering with Hull City Council, we developed and launched the UK’s first ever dedicated Smart City platform to bring data from across a number of council services into one platform to drive further insights and efficiencies on day to day activities across the city.
IoT Solutions for Cities & Communities
Generate revenue with demand-based parking while reducing the search time for citizens.
Manage, collect, and track waste bins to avoid overflow and health hazards.
Flood Prevention
Proactive monitoring to provide early warning for floods.
Air Quality
Proactive environmental monitoring to tackle health issues through air, noise and water pollution
Street Lighting
Lower energy consumption, cut costs, and simplify maintenance.
Road Maintenance
Proactive monitoring to provide early maintenance notice and warning.
Pedestrian / Traffic Counting
Accurate monitoring of people movement and traffic flow.
Parks & Gardens
Proactive monitoring and management of parks and gardens.
View live street conditions to gain insight on how to improve traffic management.
Social Housing
Effective management of social housing giving you greater control and cost saving.